Newsletter Nr.01/2016
Sound to the front - sales on the rise
Baden-Baden, 18th march 2016
The female consumer is approaching the special sales area. The products are presented visually attractive – literally the first step for generating more revenue. However, there is still a long way to go until the final purchase decision is made – but the distance is significantly reduced through the use of Permaplay screens with front speakers and individually configurable sensors.
Any customer approaching the special area with integrated Permaplay screen will be detected by a sensor and the sound of the product-specific video will be turned on automatically. Now the customer‘s attention is particularly focused on the product; moreover, he or she will receive valuable information about the product and its application. The question „Why should I buy this?“ is answered in a smart and sales promoting manner.
The Permaplay screens for qualified use at the POS/POI with front speakers and sensor are proprietary developments of the POS specialists from Baden-Baden.
“Due to the fact that the sound is emitted towards the front, a relatively low volume suffices to address customers standing nearby and get them interested in the product displayed,“ said Werner Vogt, managing director of Permaplay Media Solutions. “This helps to reduce the sales staff’s exposure to noise pollution, which contributes greatly to the acceptance of this POS form of advertising,“ Vogt has learned in many years of experience. And another special feature: “As soon as the sensor has detected a customer in the vicinity of the sales area, the sound is turned on to provide potential buyers with more information. This can be a much better sales promotion than a video running in an endless loop. “
The Permaplay screens with special front speakers and sensors are available in seven different sizes from 4.3” to 32”. They can be perfectly integrated in store shelves and POS special constructions such as secondary placements. Permaplay sees itself as a full service company: From conception (rental, purchase, scope, duration) to installation and maintenance, the specialist from Baden-Baden takes over all steps to ensure your success at the POS.