Newsletter no.5 issued December / 2019

Retail Trend 2020: Back to the inner cities in networked Power POS areas


Baden-Baden, 10th of December 2019


Whether large furniture stores, car showrooms, consumer electronics giants or well-known DIY chains: The kings of the “green fields”, as well as mail-order giants like Amazon, are pushing into the inner cities with small fine business premises in first-rate locations. This is mainly due to the networking possibilities offered by digital E-commerce and the customers’ new consumer habits.

Permaplay Managing Director Werner Vogt knows what this means for the POS: “Flexible concepts offer consumers a new shopping experience. Digitalization is a great opportunity for the retail trade in this context. Provided they understand the “new customers” and address them with the right POS media.


But what characterizes customers in 2020? They can communicate, search, browse and buy regardless of time and place. They also expect this mobile instant culture from stationary retailing. In addition, customers expect personalization and customized offers: Large selection, high quality, low prices, perfect service.


“To meet these desires and expectations,” says Werner Vogt, “stationary retailing has to create an environment and turn their stores into social meeting places where personalized actions can be experienced “genuinely,” with unique events and surprising offers.


There is enough of the other stuff available on the Internet. Optimized digital signage and perfectly integrated POS media, as offered by Permaplay with great success for many years, ensure that event customers become real buyers. The store becomes a medium, or even better and more concise: The store is the medium.”


Because only the real space of a store enables customers to have retail and brand-specific sensations that cannot be experienced in such a complex way in the online world. Werner Vogt is sure: “The physical shopping experience remains in the buyer's memory more strongly and permanently than online purchases on a smartphone display.”


Findaria Sunardi, Marketing and Sales Permaplay: “The store is the medium. And as a result, the newly established inner-city POS areas are turning into power sales locations.”


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