Newsletter no. 4 Issued September / 2024
Against the consumer slump: Creating emotional shopping experiences

Baden-Baden, 30th of September 2024

The latest consumer barometer published by the German Trade Association (HDE) shows: consumer sentiment is declining, consumer restraint is increasing. Private consumption will hardly grow in the coming months. There is no general growth stimulus in sight for the retail sector, which means that the further economic outlook remains bleak.
“This is generally not good news for the retail sector either, but there is no reason to bury our heads in the sand, or to do nothing. On the contrary: If you create emotional shopping experiences at the POS now, you will stimulate additional sales and create your own economic boom. Even if customers are currently reluctant to make rational purchasing decisions, there is still a high willingness to spend on emotional purchases such as self-rewards, gifts, products for children or pets, hobbies and so on,” Werner Vogt, Managing Director of Permaplay Media Solutions, is sure.

But how do retailers manage to create a compelling and emotionally appealing shopping experience across all media and channels? As a retailer, how do you get as much as possible out of the average €6,667 every German citizen spends on retail per year (GfK study Retail Purchasing Power 2023)? So how can retailers make “more” out of each individual customer in terms of sales?
Special POS media, such as those that Permaplay Media Solutions has been successfully designing and implementing for retail and industrial customers for many years, play a key role in achieving these marketing goals.
They create the emotional purchasing experiences necessary for sales at the POS. In practice, the networked Permaplay LCD bars, which are around 60 or 90 centimeters long, have proven to be particularly successful purchase stimulators. These digital LCD screens create a high level of attention directly at the shelf and encourage spontaneous purchases. “With networked Permaplay LCD bars, it is easier than ever for retailers to transform the POS into a digital, sales-active and experience-rich space,” says Werner Vogt.
We would be happy to make you a non-binding offer for your individual POS media strategy.
For more information please visit